Why You Should Take a High School Study Abroad Program

Travelling to a new country is a unique experience that comes with tons of learning, fun, and memories. As you step foot into a foreign land by Study Abroad, you learn about another country’s culture through the places, food, and people that you see. Similarly, living in another country for some time teaches you many things about their education system.

Nowadays, you will commonly see academic institutions offering students the opportunity to study abroad for some time. This option is not limited to college students as there are several high school study abroad programs that allow you to immerse yourself in a new place while still accomplishing your studies.

Typically, studying abroad in high school is seen as an advantage for entering college. However, there are also so many other benefits to reap from taking a program. Although it may seem early to embark on such an adventurous journey, the reality is that you will be taking away significant learnings that will help you in life. Because of these benefits, the number of students taking study abroad programs has steadily increased over time.

Develop Independence:

Studying abroad gives you the chance to learn how to be independent and do things on your own. Even though you will still be studying and living with other students, you will still be away from home. As a result, you have to learn how to navigate through the new country and how to adapt to the new environment.

Throughout your high school study abroad program, you will learn that you are capable of taking care of yourself. Back at home, you may have been dependent on your parents or other people to help you with your food or clean your room. When you study abroad, you learn to do these things on your own and develop independence!

Learn New Culture and Language:

Similar to travelling abroad, studying abroad exposes you to new cultures. If you live with a foster family, cultural learning is much easier since you will be introduced to local life through food, places, and activities. Some programs may also offer field trips and other events to help you get to know more about your host country.

As you navigate your way abroad and communicate with the locals, you will slowly learn the language. Knowing a second language is not only fun but can also help you immensely in the future or at any time in your life. Even though learning a language may not be a priority for you, you will naturally learn as you immerse yourself abroad.

Experience Self-Discovery:

You can think of high school study abroad programs as a journey of self-discovery and a chance to learn more about yourself. As you explore a new area, you may be able to identify some passions and interests that will help you decide what you want to do in life. During high school, you may still be unsure of what you want to pursue in college, so studying abroad gives you an avenue to discover things that you enjoy learning.

Meet Friends:

Studying and living abroad gives you the chance to meet new friends from all over the world! You get to meet classmates or fellow program takers from other countries and get to forge new friendships with them. Even when you return to your home country, you can still stay in touch with them and talk about your experiences from different parts of the world.

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